Pildiotsingu tulemused - "Triffids" |
A Quiet walk to the neigbourhoodvaatamisi: 88Carrying just trash and a pluffy kitten
A sudden impact and a quick withdrawalvaatamisi: 133A Teleportation?. An Alien Device? Or something even more sinister?
For just a small walk awayvaatamisi: 65There's the entry to the Triffids land!!!
It's menacing. It's poisonous.vaatamisi: 78And it's out to get you
The're huge! They're walking!vaatamisi: 30And they spread like a wildfire!
The only escapevaatamisi: 37And even that's temporary. Just wait for that comet..
There's no stoppingvaatamisi: 44And no mercy
For the Future is with the Triffidsvaatamisi: 46For their Might and Patience
Until the Sun goes downvaatamisi: 83And dreams can save you :)